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niti ayog

Niti Aayog: functions & mandate
1 . Think tank for Government policy formulation.

2. Find best practices from other countries, partner with other desi­videsi bodies to help their adoption in

3. Cooperative Federalism: Involve state governments and even villages in planning process.
4. Sustainable development: + Modi’s Zero defect­zero effect (on environment) manufacturing mantra.
5. Urban Development: to ensure cities can remain habitable and provide economic venues to everyone.
6. Participatory Development: with help of private sector and citizens.
7. Inclusive Development or Antyodaya. Ensure SC, ST and Women too enjoy the fruits of Development.
(because Din Dayal said so.)
8. Poverty elimination to ensure dignity and self­respect. (because Poet Tiruvalluvar said so)
9. Focus on 5 crore Small enterprises­ to generate more employment for weaker sections.
1 0. Monitoring and feedback. Midway course correction, if needed.
1 1. Make policies to reap demographic dividend and social capital.
1 2. Regional Councils will address specific “issues” for a group of states. Example: Regional Council for
drought, Left­wing extremism, Tribal welfare and so on.
1 3. Extract maximum benefit from NRI’s geo­economic and Geo­political strength for India’s Development.
1 4. Use Social media and ICT tools to ensure transparency, accountability and good governance.
1 5. Help sorting inter­departmental conflicts.

niti ayog niti ayog Reviewed by Rayapalli suresh on 20:47 Rating: 5

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